Monday, June 6, 2011

R E S P E C T find out what it means to me.

Marriage is made up of two parts there’s  Mar that branches from two roots Ma as in mother or earth  and the second is War  or to battle.  Then Riage with three translations; rage as in anger, the first.  Ria meaning godly and Age meaning lifelong.

  Now you put the pieces together and see what you can come up with.

Does this mean that you can describe marriage as a lifelong godly battle on earth?

Yes.  Battles are to be fought but there will always be a victory.  And so for us to come together in marriage it means that we make a commitment to god and to each other that there will be love.  But love is deceitful it can sometimes possess us in ways we would never believe possible.  Love is very dangerous because when love pushes in a negative way it might drive us mad.  Love should be handled together its easier if both people take the gift together otherwise the load might get to heavy for one to carry and when that happens the load might then be put down or less will be put into it so only one can carry it.  What my point being is as long as the responsibility is shared there will always be more love to carry.  When the load is shared that means, compromise must be made by both.  Those compromises are what fuels the fire between the ones sharing the load.  But you can not allow those battles to compromise the load.  Love is understanding, be able to feel for your partner but do not have pity for them.  Have faith in your selves because how fragile love is one drop of it might brake it.  Don’t let go find strength in that load and smile.  Happiness is the most revitalizing of all the energies.  As you can see the battle played before you and its no wonder that it takes your whole life to achieve such a victory.  This is only the start of something that will take many more letters to even come close to the full realization.

Marriage is made up of two parts.  Mar = mother and Riage=father
Mar must want the same as Riage.
And Riage must want the same as Mar.
Want… want… want.
This words roots are crazy Wa = crying little baby and nt=why doN’T i have.
But on the other hand
To feel like you are wanted?
The word transcends its definition.  Suddenly the word means desired.
To be desired sparks inspiration, imagination, perspiration, determination, even masturbation.  All of these energies are positive and up lifting all of these influence growth and all of these allow you to achieve your ultimate victory.  So as did our mothers and fathers before us have done, we must trust in the spouse for only because of that partner did you become a creator of life.  That life born is only a creation of your love.   You must recapture that energy every time you look at your mate.  Why is it that we go window shopping?  Its to see what we might want, but the funny part about that is that by wanting possessions we become possessed in return.  Think of a kid that you give a toy to. He loves it plays with it thinks it’s the best toy and maybe the only toy in the world but then you take that kid to the store and he sees that there is so much more than that one toy doesn’t he want to at least play with something.  Of course the child does and that is what we as adults still do.  To be possessed stirs many negative references and that’s because it is negative it is never good to be possessed but how weird then that we all thrive to gain possessions  and when you do have them doesn’t that make you very possessed. Get it? If you don’t its ok you will one day because love leads to sex and that leads to more and more people that get lost in this crazy game called life. If I can only focus on one of the many things I’ve said here.  Know what it feels like to be wanted (desired) and share that with others by having something that you desire about them.  Maybe its their strength to keep moving forward or maybe it’s the way you make love what ever it is share it.  Don’t let one person show all there efforts and not hold up your side.  If you think you are alone then maybe there is someone that is falling short  

A marriage is made up of two parts a man and a woman
That man must love and be in love with that woman
And that woman must love and be in love with that man.
Together and only together can they create anything.

Don’t just say
 I love you

 I am in love with you.

you hold the limits of your heart, mind and spirit. so don't hold back the love.  let the love make your fire burn brighter.
my two favorite games are "Life" and "Come here and pull my finger" dont worry the smell goes away.