Sunday, May 22, 2011

its the end of the world as we know it

People make predictions of what will happen in the end and when it will happen.  The truth is that there is no set day or time for the end.  Humans work best with schedules and that is why the end will happen when you don't expect it, but the translation is lost.  There are so many metaphors used describing the end, that its no wonder all have almost given up trying to believe that a god exists.  So instead of believing in Jah we start to believe in something like god but it is tainted by our history and past, and that is why the united states of America has become Babylon.
       Freedom is the reason that most have come here and even that is a contradiction.  Freedom is not what founded this country it was religious freedom.  The country adopted "the land of the free" because when you go on vacation you want the idea of it all to be free, and so "come to America" campaigns started to draw people to this land of lies.  We were blessed with free will, and that means that we have the ability to make our own decisions.  Then why do we sin?  Most of the world doesn't sin, but because of the strict guidelines for the different organizations we call religion, everyone is a sinner.  we were born with sin even though Jesus died for us to be forgiven.  So then why do we create the rules when the rules have already been written?  There are so many things god wants us to do but none of us can really hear it.  The only thing god truly wants us (his children, his believers, his creation.) to do is to obey his will.  If the scriptures are his word inspired through man, then he is telling us to listen, to love and to spread the word.
      According to my translation of revelations there is prophecies of hope.  There will still be something left to try again.  The worst part is that only those prepared for what he has in store will survive.  Part of that is the rule that he has put first, to obey your father/mother, that means to love and to listen and if you rebel against it that will be the start of the end.  This means to look at jah also as your father/mother, and when Adam and Eve went against them, they started the end for us.  It seems that most people want to love and most even want to listen to there parents, but all it takes is one thing to make you question what that means to you.  It might be an abusive parent or as simple as telling your kids that Santa is real.  So all jah tells us is that we must obey and he will continue to bless us.  one of the best ways for us to please god is to listen and do as he has asked, the best way to do that is do something for someone else without the intention of gaining anything in return or in short be self sacrificing.  So go out and spread the word, one person at a time, help someone and you will be blessed in return.  Jah is not Santa, so don't ask for what you want as a blessing, simply accept it whatever it might be and know that more will come.  Don't feel that you are a sinner, but only as missinformed, you should never regret anything you do because its what gives you a reason to get back up and start again and know that mistakes have to be made to make something work.  Love is the answer but you have to believe it with your whole heart, mind, body and soul. 

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